Thursday, December 04, 2008

Josh Assignment: uncomfortable

Before josh even proposed the assignment I had already encountered my uncomfortable moment. My then future to be sister in law planned my batchlorette party or extravaganza evening. She had a really nice evening planed out dinner and some kind of a bar hoping expiriance. I personally am not much of a bar/club goer not really my cup of tea, something about girls or single middle aged women wishing they were 20 again by wearing a 20 year old wardrobe doesn’t really rub my fancy. Anywho our fist stop was dinner, we had chachos… we hit up other spots till we got Swig north, never herd of it till I saw the sign that night. Well the club/bar is one of those kind that attracts all types of single women waiting to be taken and looking very desperately. By this time I have only had say two drinks not enough to get me sick, but a large amount of chahos king kong nachos and was not feeling very fresh, actually very sick to my stomach, on top of that I am feeling very uncomfortable in this bar because I feel that the ladies there think very mean things when you don’t look up to par to their style and “sluttiness” per say. Any who I get really sick, throwing up sick, at the bar and have to use the facilities several times to handle my issues on top of that having to deal with the stares of these women in the bathroom. I don’t think I’ve ever had a more uncomfortable moment than that. Women scare me specially the ones who try to hard and desperate.

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